What Group Color is My Child In?
Without going into much details on how and why we use the color groupings during any given day (as it is complicated) and there is no one answer as to when we use the grouping colors to group children; when do we opt to have children from the same group color work together versus mixing age groups in the section your child is in. We do use the color grouping method for many situations yet we do not use the color grouping method for many other situations. If there is a situation where this information is needed by our parents then this is a good place to find your child's group color. You will need to calculate your child's age in years and months as it is/was by/on September 1 of any running year.
Color Groupings Strictly (with few exceptions) follow the child's age in years & months as they are by September 1 of any running year. Here are the cutoffs:
Pre-Primary Sections
Red Group: Any Child who has not turned 1 year old yet as of September 1. So 11 months and under as of September 1.
Brown Group: Any Child who is 1 year old as of September 1 up to 1Yr.11m. In other words, any child that has not turned 2.0 years by September 1.
Orange Group: Any Child who turned 2 years old as of September 1 up to 2Yrs.7m by September 1.
Green Group: Any Child who turned 2Yrs.8m old as of September 1 up to 2Yrs.11m by September 1. i.e.has not turned 3 yet as of September 1. This Group overlaps with the Purple Group. To know more: "Hover over the images below! : )"
Primary Sections
Purple Group: Any Child who turned 2Yrs.10m old as of September 1.
*Purple Group is an overlapping Group (with the Green Group) and needs discussion. We will cover only the major points here: "Hover over the image! (not the mobile version though) : )"
Pink Group: Any Child who turned 3 years old as of September 1 up to 3Yrs.11m by September 1. In other words, has not turned 4 yet as of September 1
Any Child who turned 4 years old as of September 1 up to 4Yrs.11m by September 1. In other words has not turned 5 yet as of September 1.
Yellow Group: Any Child who turned 5 years old as of September 1 up to 5Yrs.11m by September 1. In other words has not turned 6 yet as of September 1.
White Group: Any Child who turned 6 years old as of September 1 up to 6Yrs.11m by September 1. In other words has not turned 7 yet as of September 1. *Enrolled with a special agreement
Black Group: Any Child who turned 7 years old as of September 1 up to 7Yrs.11m by September 1. In other words has not turned 8 yet as of September 1. *Enrolled with a special agreement

Purple Group is an overlapping Group and needs discussion. We will cover main points only here:
Any Child who turned 2.10 years old as of September 1.
How to move up to primary before your child is 3 years in September (2.10 & Up):
Children who join us at a very early age (red group) and finish 2+ years in our pre-primary section and age is 2.10 and up we may recommend to parents to move their child up to the next section.
Child must be fully potty trained.
Child must be brought up at home to be independent and walks into school without parent carrying them in or carrying their belongings. So babied children beyond their actual age cannot be moved up a section.
New children joining the school with the age specified here and parent is sure that their child is independent enough to join the primary section can suggest to school to have their child in the primary section, the school may or may not agree and may agree to try and see if the child is ready. For parents the fee is much higher in the primary section than what it is in the pre-primary section so parents who suggest that we take their child in the older section are happy to pay the extra fees.
A big factor for the school: we do not move any child to the primary section into the purple group unless parent is sure that their child will be coming back to Bright for at least another year after the purple group. We may even not consider a one year more (it all will depend on the specifics for that family).
Where the child will be going after the first few years of primary will also effect the decision as other schools follow specific cut off dates so if the child is to be joining a school that will put your child in a lower age group then for sure we will not be agreeing on such a step of moving the child up a section only to have him/her be moved to a school that will basically disregard all the skills that your child attained, this will be detrimental to the child so a thorough and truthful discussion takes place between Bright and parent to make such a decision.
Basically it is not that simple to join the purple group instead of the green group. A lot of issues need to line up in order to have a child in the purple group.